Class of 2024 HBCU S.O.A.R. Scholars

Coca-Cola Consolidated has a long-standing commitment to supporting education and this was exemplified through the 2024 HBCU S.O.A.R. Scholar Program. This program selected 10 students from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) for a week-long experience filled with learning, hands-on activities and networking with industry professionals. As part of the program, scholars were awarded scholarships to support their educational needs, such as tuition and books.

My experience as a Scholar in the program was truly transformative. From the warm welcome by Molly Lynch and Allie Butler to the engaging activities throughout the week, every moment was impactful. Here, I share my experiences and insights from this incredible journey.

Coca-Cola Consolidated’s HBCU S.O.A.R. Scholar Program (Scholarship, Opportunity, Advancement, Recruitment) is designed to provide students from HBCUs with opportunities to learn about Coca-Cola Consolidated, gain practical experience and network with industry leaders. The program’s objectives include fostering educational growth, enhancing professional skills and creating meaningful connections. The application process involved submitting an application and demonstrating a commitment to excellence and leadership.

The HBCU S.O.A.R. Scholar Program was structured over a week and included various activities, such as workshops, seminars and field visits. Some notable experiences for me were meeting senior leaders, such as Dave Katz, President and COO, and Christine Motherwell, Senior Vice President of Human Resources. Both provided deep insights into leadership and corporate culture.

Another highlight of the program included an in-depth workshop on business acumen and leadership skills. It included sessions focused on personal brand development, presentation skills and understanding the company’s mission. During the workshop, I learned to identify and communicate my unique strengths through personal brand development, enhancing my ability to articulate my professional identity clearly and confidently. I also gained valuable public speaking techniques, such as structuring presentations effectively and engaging audiences, which are crucial for professional communication. Additionally, understanding Coca-Cola Consolidated’s mission and values highlighted the importance of aligning my personal and professional goals with the organization’s ethos. This workshop was particularly impactful for me as it combined practical skill development with a deep dive into the company’s corporate culture, equipping me with essential tools for professional growth.

Visit to the Bank of America Stadium

In addition to workshops, we made field visits. Scholars were taken on immersive tours of Coca-Cola Consolidated’s production facilities, offices and warehouses. One notable visit was to the state-of-the-art bottling plant in Charlotte, where we witnessed the entire manufacturing process firsthand, from raw materials to finished products. The precision and scale of operations were impressive, emphasizing Coca-Cola Consolidated’s commitment to quality and efficiency.

Another highlight was touring the Company’s corporate offices. This is where we gained insights into collaborative work environments and innovative project spaces. These visits not only provided a deeper understanding of Coca-Cola Consolidated’s operations but also reinforced the importance of logistics and supply chain management in a large-scale enterprise. Personally, these experiences were invaluable as they connected theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, offering a holistic view of the beverage industry’s complexities and opportunities for future career paths.

Servant Leadership Project: Samaritan’s Feet Service Project

As HBCU S.O.A.R. Scholars, we were also provided ample opportunity to engage in community events, charitable programs, and volunteer initiatives. We had the privilege of giving back to those in need by volunteering with the Charlotte-based nonprofit organization Samaritan’s Feet. I participated in packing shoes and essentials, gaining insight into the profound impact of corporate social responsibility on local communities. It was a rewarding experience that underscored the importance of service and compassion in making a positive difference in the lives of others. It was a humbling experience, and I plan to increase my efforts in giving back, whether it be essentials or time.

We also had opportunities to interact with senior leaders, mentors, and alumni during strategic networking events. These events were meaningful to each of us because they provided an opportunity to learn from diverse perspectives and experiences of people who have been successful in their roles at Coca-Cola Consolidated. These mentors such as my mentor Mariah Collins, were particularly helpful in providing advice on resume building, personal branding and career planning. The connections made during this week can be long-term relationships that will benefit my future career.

“Be comfortable being uncomfortable: Step outside your comfort zone and don’t be afraid to embrace discomfort. It’s through discomfort that you experience growth.”

We also received valuable advice and feedback about our career goals and aspirations. Each scholar was encouraged to connect with other scholars who shared similar interests and passions and form lasting friendships. Today, we keep in contact and share advice and different opportunities with each other.

Two of my favorite quotes from the week were, “Nothing changes, if nothing changes” and “You cannot run a business based on skill. You must have business acumen & drive”. These quotes resonated deeply with me throughout the program. The first quote reminded me of the importance of taking proactive steps towards growth and improvement, emphasizing that meaningful change requires initiative and action. It served as a powerful motivator to continuously strive for personal and professional development. The second quote, attributed to Stephanie Little, underscored the critical difference between mere technical skill and the broader understanding and drive necessary to succeed in business. It highlighted the significance of business acumen in decision-making and strategic planning, qualities I aspire to develop further in my career journey.

For future scholars considering applying to the HBCU S.O.A.R. Scholar Program, here are some tips:

  • Prepare Your Application Early

  • Seek Recommendations Early

  • Network Actively

  • Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Overall, the Coca-Cola Consolidated 2024 HBCU S.O.A.R. Scholar Program was an incredible experience that enhanced my understanding of the industry, provided lifelong skills and fostered valuable connections. I am deeply grateful to Coca-Cola Consolidated for this opportunity and encourage others to apply for future programs. Such experiences are crucial for supporting student growth and development, and I highly recommend seizing them whenever possible.

I encourage you to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to grow, learn, and connect with industry leaders. Learn more about opportunities to engage and work with Coca-Cola Consolidated here.


This article was written by 2024 Coca-Cola Consolidated HBCU S.O.A.R Scholar, Cateria Brown. She currently attends Fisk University, where she is completing her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing.

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