This summer, Coca-Cola Consolidated took on 35 Applied Learning Interns who assisted the Company throughout various departments. The interns began their journey at Coca-Cola Consolidated’s Learning Center, where they were able to gain insight into the Company, hear from senior leaders, and partake in exercises such as mock sales pitches.  

Soon after orientation, the interns visited numerous Coca-Cola Consolidated locations around the Charlotte area including the Product Supply Building, Customer Connection Hub and the Learning Center. The Customer Management team hosted a mock debate which allowed the interns to get a feel for how business is done throughout the different bottling regions. One exercise included the interns getting into groups and figuring out an optional route plan for product delivery. Each activity contributed towards the interns professional development. 

“My favorite Coke Consolidated location that we visited and learned about was the Customer Connection Hub. Stephanie Little spoke to us about her position and held such a positive and fun attitude towards her job. This gave me such a great feeling about the environment and the amazing people at the Hub.” – Kristen Epperly, Business Intelligence Intern. 

A select few interns, who were not from the Charlotte area, were given the chance to learn more about the Queen City through the Charlotte Alliance. They were able to see various aspects of the city, local businesses and well-known spots in the Uptown Charlotte area. These interns also attended the Lowes Skyline Soiree, a networking event with interns from other businesses who were working throughout Charlotte.   

“We went to an event almost every week where we listened to speakers in different organizations around Charlotte. I enjoyed the variety of speakers we had and hearing their different career paths.” – Kennedy Masternak, Customer Connection Hub Applied Learning Intern. 

Interns Participated in Various Activities, Red Rides and Presentations 

The interns had an amazing opportunity to tour the Bank of America Stadium where they learned about on-premise sales and the overall partnership Coca-Cola Consolidated has with the Carolina Panthers. Soon after, the interns made their way to the non-profit organization, Samaritan’s Feet. The interns were able to sort and pack a total of 1,950 pairs of shoes and assemble 1,150 hygiene kits to be sent around the world to those in need. This opportunity allowed the interns to give back and learn what it truly means to live Coca-Cola Consolidated’s Purpose and serve others.  

“My favorite places we toured were Bank of America Stadium and the Charlotte automated warehouse! Some of my favorite speakers have been leaders like Brian Outland, Todd Martin, Jennifer Veal and Stephanie Little. All of the visits and speakers gave the cohort a better understanding and 360 view of the business.” – Jack Schoening, Customer Management Applied Learning Intern.

Another memorable activity the cohort participated in was the Intern Olympics. Hosted by Coca-Cola Consolidated’s Senior Operations Director of Data Ventures Susan Harrell, activities ranged from a pickleball tournament to a blind Coca-Cola beverage taste testing. This was a wonderful time for the entire Applied Learning Intern cohort to bond and spend quality time together.   

“Throughout the entire summer, there have been many events that have been keeping us all energized amidst working on our individualized projects. As the RGM intern, I had the opportunity to help facilitate the 3rd Annual Intern Olympics, which was a huge success. It was a great time full of cohort bonding, displaying competitive nature, and all of us being our true selves.” – Tyler Cox, Revenue Growth Management (RGM) Intern. 

2024 Applied Learning Interns Participate in the Intern Olympics  

During the final week, the interns concluded the program by presenting final projects. These projects were the culmination of in-depth research, studies and findings from each department. Each intern presented their research, results and improvement suggestions to their departments and other employees throughout Coca-Cola Consolidated.   

“My internship at Coca-Cola Consolidated has been the most positive experience of my life. I had no idea what to expect coming into my role, but it has exceeded my expectations and given me clarity of what I want to do in life. Coca-Cola Consolidated truly is a company that supports and cares for their people and its company culture has allowed me to flourish and love my experience.” – Jillian Aganad, Community Programming and Projects, Community Relations and Sustainability Intern.




Thank you to our Applied Learning Interns Abasiono Etuknwa, Ava Swenson and Luis Peña for contributing to this article.  



Abasiono is a 2024 Applied Learning Intern and supported the Marketing Department. She attends the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she is completing her undergraduatedegree in Business Analytics.  

Ava is a 2024 Applied Learning Intern and supported the Equipment Service Department. She attends Presbyterian College where she is studying Business Administration with concentrations in Marketing and Management as well as a Minor in Media Studies.  

Luis is a 2024 Applied Learning Intern and supported in the Data Management and Integrations team. He attends the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where he is studying Computer Science with a concentration in Data Science.

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